Home Sda Hymnal SDA HYMNAL 261 – The Spirit of the Lord Revealed

SDA HYMNAL 261 – The Spirit of the Lord Revealed


The Spirit of the Lord revealed
His will to saints of old;
Their heart and mind and lips unsealed
His glory to unfold.
Amid the gloom of ancient night
They hailed the dawning Word,
And in the coming of the light
Proclaimed the coming Lord.

The prophets passed; at length there came
To sojourn and abide,
The Word incarnate, to whose name
The prophets testified;
And He, the twilight over past,
Himself, the Light of light,
As man with man, revealed at last
The Father to our sight.

Eternal Spirit, who dost speak
To mind and conscience still,
That we in this our day, may seek
To do our Father’s will,
To us the word of life impart,
Of Christ, the living way;
Give us the quiet, humble heart
To hear and to obey.


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